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The Empyreal Project

Empyreal- Pertaining to the highest heaven, to the sky; celestial.

In this tape, S.A.M. explores a new sound.

When listening to music, decide whether the artist attempted to form something original or if they followed some already invented format of success.

S.A.M. is in the same line of judgement. His project reflects his desire to do exactly what he wants to do.

The Theme is Freedom, and this can apply in every aspect of a person's life. Just like him with this project, He wants people to live free and do what it is they want to do without feeling apprehensive due to uncertainties about how the world will accept it.

The world will ostracize the Different, so it's best to get used to it.

Music on Music on Music

S.A.M.'s Beat Tape

These are a few of my spare beats that just lie around in my library.

Some originate from back to my days as an eighteen year, happy that his beats were finally getting some rhythm to them.

Some are more recent and some I find pride in.

I may use some of these beats in the future, but for now, here they are.

To stay updated, go to my SoundCloud.


This is a project where I plan to change my sound.

Through the difference sonically, my listeners will see the difference in S.A.M. himself.

It's a new sound, but at the end of the day, the goal remains the same.

Freedm Fightrs need to see change, to grow, to mature into something not easily influenced by the world around them.

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